To me, the best way to get to know someone or learn something about them is by asking them to their face. Maybe I'm old school, but hey, Jesus loves you. (and me)
Sermon series I'm on right now?
- Mark Driscoll's special lecture series called "Spiritual Warfare".
Check it out- Satan is real and prowls this Earth. 1 Peter 5:8
We're not unaware of his schemes so why let him outwit us? 2 Corinthians 2:11
How I intend to use this blog?
-Write about victories in Christ in my life and in the lives of those around me so that who-so-ever reads this might be encouraged in their walk with Jesus. Come on- it really is about Him!
I'll end with...
My eyes are burning terribly and I just realized why- I rubbed them. What I forgot was that the juice from the imported pickled hot peppers I ate about 30 minutes ago remains on my fingers...
A good read that has to do with Spiritual Warfare--- The Bondage Breaker by Neil T. Anderson.